Thank you for taking the time to examine Bible Prophecy.
We have taken great pains to approach this subject in as "user friendly" a manner as possible. We have tried to drain our minds of all previous positions and just "read the Scripture" to find out what God has to say. We think you will be amazed at what has been passed over because people just could not bring themselves to "believe God" and just hear what He has to say.
Our first book, "Introduction to Bible Prophecy," tackles many hard issues that need to be understood to make any real progress in this endeavor.
The next book in the series will be the Book of Daniel and it should be out in early 2022. This amazing book looks at a lot of important things BUT of particular interest to us is the events going on in the world prior to Christ's 1st Coming, and the events prior to Christ's 2nd Coming. God gave the Prophet Daniel some amazing details to share with us.
We hope you will take these books and use them in a Small Group or Bible Study. They are set up for an intense 8 week class and most of them will have an instructors companion volume with more background information to aid in the classroom discussion.
How should we all study?
Don’t argue.
Examine every Scripture.
Pray and ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance for truth...and protection against error.
Don’t force “puzzle pieces” (nuggets of Scripture) into places they won’t go just because they serve an agenda that you or I have for a particular theory.
Remember that all Scripture is true.
Don’t forget that none can be ignored.
It all has to fit somewhere.
Good fortune in your journey! Let’s begin!